+8801729090174, +8801797577243 | P&I, FD&D, H&M info@bdpni.com

Coast To Coast

Commercial Correspondent for P&I, H&M and FD&D Mutual Associations and other Marine Insurance Providers| Serving Chattogram, Mongla, and Payra | Loss Prevention Survey| Legal Advice on  maritime disputes| Since 2003

Applicable for Ports & Vessels

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+8801729090174 +8801797577243


Commercial Correspondent

Coast To Coast |Commercial & Legal Correspondents Since 2003, a leading ISO certified company delivering tailor-made claim management, advisory (marine and cargo) services to P&I Clubs , H&M Underwriters and Ship Owners, Charterers at Chittagong, Mongla, Payra and Dhaka, Bangladesh.


We believe in comprehensive and “one- umbrella” services and strives to achieve the utmost legal remedy for Club and members. We are experienced in providing legal and expert witness support at every point in the legal process from initial feasibility to litigation and High court as necessary.


P&I survey and Claims handling
• Load draft, ROB draft & Light draft survey. Lighter vessel Load and Light draft survey.
• Sealing and unsealing of hatch covers of lighter vessel
• Discharge supervision- Mother Vessel and Lighter Vessel
• Loss Investigations.
• Assistance to Crew, Injury and/or Death
• Collision,Grounding,Salvage,Wreck Removal.  Pollution, Terminal/Quay Damage
• Detention, Arrest.  P&I, H&M and FD&D Matters

First aid advice on legal issues and litigation support


We have the ability to provide sound opinion and guidance during commercial transactions and negotiation which may lead to legal obligations detrimental to business entities and hence are always available for providing legal opinions regarding any maritime dispute. Need information related to following !

  • Disputes, ship arrest in Bangladesh & security provision
  • Bangladesh: Extra caution required when at Chittagong anchorage
  • Charter party clause for arbitration seated outside of Bangladesh and jurisdiction of the admiralty court in admiralty dispute: An Analysis
  • An Overview of Maritime and Admiralty Law in Bangladesh
  • Unpaid Freight and Shipowners Right for Maritime Lien: Bangladesh Perspective
  • Crew Injury Management: Bangladesh Perspective


No More Unwanted Incident

Loss Prevention Measures

Survey : Marine, Cargo, Loss Prevention

Service includes-Loss Prevention Survey, Damage survey, collision survey, Vessel survey, Marine cargo survey, H&M damage survey. provide their clients are accurate and detailed survey reports with clear photos. The nature, cause, and extent of each loss is assessed and reported on by our experienced surveyors.  

Avoid Collision / Grounding

Master should have required update as regards Kutubdia ( OPL) of Chittagong as well as Chittagong Port O/A situation. Coast To Coast is pleased to provide all required assistance at free of charge to ensure Chittagong road as collision-free.  Shipowners might have gone through our articles came at several P&I clubs official websites. However, please email us at info@bdpni.com for pdf format of our loss prevention article.

SHoratge, arrest, penalty

Ministry of food mostly imports rice under G2G (government-to-government) basis from Vietnam, Thailand, and India. Chittagong and Monlga, the two major ports, have draft restriction and over the draft, vessel need to discharge part cargo at anchorage via ship to ship operation.

Secured | Professional

Cargo Survey & Loss Prevention Services

believe in comprehensive and “one- umbrella” service. 

Our core team consists mainly of members who are experienced and trained professionals drawn from the legal and marine backgrounds

  • Claims handling for P&I Clubs/Insurers/Ship Owners/ Shipping Operators.
  • Handling and management of claims in relation to injuries and/or illness of crew members & stevedores.
  • First aid advice on legal issues and litigation support.
  • Arranging P&I and loss prevention surveys.

The company has been operated since early 2003, with a team of professionals, well experienced and knowledgeable in the survey. We also do inspection work in relation to charterers’ liability cover, involving:

  • a) Unsafe berth claims
  • b) Stevedore damage
  • c) Cargo gear damage and deficiency
  • d)Off-spec bunkers and bunker quantity claims

Secured | Professional

Vessel need assistance 

Service coverage at Chittagong, Mongla and Payra.

Coast To Coast conducts a variety of ship and cargo surveys for a wide base of clients including P&I Clubs, Underwriters, Ship Owners, Ship Operators, Marine Law Firms, Loss Adjusters. Coast To Coast officials and surveyors have extensive claims handlings experience. In-house and listed surveyors are well experienced and served in command of a variety of ship types. Fully competent team to provide Princaipls with professional expert service having on both their legal, marine seagoing experiences and knowledge in the marine/cargo surveying field

Why Coast To Coast for Bangladesh

RELIABLE, PROFESSIONAL, DEDICATED DEPENDABLE TEAM TO WHOM YOU CAN TRUST WITHOUT ANY HESITATION. More than decades experience have widen the scope of coverage with a range of core competencies in related areas, as listed below .

  • Assistance to Masters, Shipowners and Charterers on P&I and Hull matters.
  • Investigation of marine casualties
  • Charter Party dispute
  • Investigation, defence and handling of all categories of P&I and FD&D claims.
  • Cargo claims (break bulk, containerised, petroleum products
  • Collision, fire and explosion and similar claims.
  • Lifting vessel arrests.
  • Assistance and monitoring of salvage and wreck removal operations
  • Customs, Coast Guard & other authorities claims.
  • Damage to or by a vessel to fixed and/or floating objects
  • Oil pollution and environmental damage claims
  • Crew claims – Repatriation and assistance with crewmember injury, illness or death including knowledge and co-operation with local medical facilities and professionals
Meet your survey requirements

P&I survey

– Preventative survey: Pre-loading survey, tally in loading process, measures for loss prevention

– Stowage and lashing survey / approval meet requirement of IMO resolutions

– Ship condition survey: P&I entry survey, follow up survey

– Damage surveys: All types of cargo damage survey, included oil, gas, etc

– Collision surveys: Contact with berth or FFO, investigate causation of incident.


Marine cargo survey

– Draft survey

– Cargo tallying

– Pre-shipment surveys

– Cargo damage surveys

– Project cargo (Oversize, overwidth): Loading monitor, lashing approval etc

– Marine warantee survey (MWS): Identify key and critical risks, assess ship / gears / facilities, and safety approval before lifting

– Supervise cargo handling, stowage, loss/damage preventative survey

– Occupation volume survey

– Bunker and bunkering survey

– Unloading supervise / cargo outturn survey

– Vehicles unload condition survey

– Container condition by IICL

– Containerized cargo stuffing survey

– Stowage & lashing approval for project cargos on flat rack, open top containers

INFORMATION: Kutubdia and Anchorage
1. There is no notes relating to the anchorage areas in the title block of the BA chart 84. 
2.   Details of the draught restrictions in anchorages A, B and C and the channel through the anchorages:
For anchorage A – above 10 m up to 11.5 m
For anchorage B – Below10 m (9.5 m is ideal)
For anchorage C – Below 9 m (8.5 is ideal)
No specific restriction mentioned anywhere for the channel, but it was urged to be minimum 2.0 m UKC in the Channel and ships passes during high water ( time as suitable for specific vessel) to keep min 2.0 m UKC.
3.  The draught restrictions at the Kutubdia anchorage:
No specific restriction on draught at Kutubdia anchorage, vessel up to 13m draft arrived at the anchorage area.
4. The compulsory under keel clearance requirements for vessels transiting from the Kutubdia anchorage to the channel: 
Minimum 2.0 m UKC to be maintained.
5.  The compulsory under keel clearance when navigating anywhere within the port of Chittagong:
Minimum 2.0 m UKC to be maintained. 

Coast To Coast

Coast To Coast has been registered with the Joint Stock Company of Bangladesh as Coast To Coast P&I Services Ltd. in the year 2003. The company is committed to act as eyes and ears of the Clubs as well as to provide updated information regarding any changes to local laws or statutory requirements. Coast To Coast offers its services as first response and general claims advisors to P&I insurers and Ship Owners, Charterers . The team is composed of international marine lawyers and claims investigators forming an experienced claim adjusting team acting principally for P&I Clubs, H&M Underwriters and their Members. We also provide advises clients in Bangladesh on Bill of Lading disputes, Import and Export procedure, interpreting Charter Party provisions.

Coast To Coast| Terms of Use and Privacy Policy


To become the leading correspondent here at the Maritime Ports , of Bangladesh through professionalism.


Our vision is to pursue continuity of business by providing high quality and reliable service to our Principals and their members.

24/7 Emergency Contact

+88-01729090174 [24/7]

+88-01970000198 [24/7]